كيف تصنع روبوت فيسبوك ماسنجر لمشروعك أو موقعك
5 منصات مجانية لإنشاء بوت دردشة (ChatBot) لماسنجر الفيسبوك for Beginners
2015. []" 2015 . 2017"" . 30"" 2017. []" ."" . . [], 3 January 2018 13 2018 . Conor Kostick, "Five Circumstances Where You Should Utilize a Chatbot" chatbotsmagazine.
Joe Crawford,"How to build a Facebook Messenger Chatbot without coding" 13 2020 . us. blastingnews.com, 12 July 2017 30 2018 . us. blastingnews.com, 31 May 2017 20 2017 . chatbotsmagazine. com, 18 July 2017 20 2017 .

com. 03 2018 . Chris Knight, "Chatbots increasing globally as evidence of expense and time cost savings mount up" [] themessage. io. Branislav Srdanovic, "Chatbots increasing worldwide as proof of expense and time savings accumulate" elearningindustry. com. 30 2018 . chatbotslife. com.

طريقة انشاء بوت (bot) على برنامج
telegraph. co.uk. 13 2018 . customer-experience-management. cioreview.com. 20 2018 .

شرح إنشاء بوت لماسنجر الفيس بوك مجانا
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